The Karnataka High Court recently imposed a cost of Rs 5 lakh on the Karnataka Examinations Authority (KEA). The court imposed the fine after stating that KEA illegally allotted a reserved seat in the MD Radio Diagnosis course in favour of an ineligible candidate. The high court bench of Justice PS Dinesh Kumar and T G Shivashankare Gowda passed the order while allowing a plea filed by Dr Rajini C K and set aside the seat allotted to the other person. The court also asked the examinations authority to allot the MD Radio Diagnosis seat in favour of the petitioner and issue necessary orders for the same. "This is a rule of law society. Any illegal act by anyone much less an instrumentality of the State cannot be tolerated. It is unfortunate that the KEA has dealt with a postgraduate medical seat in this fashion," the court said. Father Attempting To Visit Daughter Does Not Amount To House Trespass if Mother Refuses To Comply With Visitation Rights, Says Karnataka High Court.
HC on Reserved Seat
High Court Imposes ₹5 Lakh Cost On Karnataka Examinations Authority For Illegally Allotting Reserved MD Radio Diagnosis Seat To Ineligible Candidate | @plumbermushi
— Live Law (@LiveLawIndia) January 19, 2024
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