In a major embarrassing incident for police in Muzaffarpur, thieves stole liquor bottles from police station in Bihar. The incident took place on Friday night, when thieves stole seized alcoholic beverage bottles kept at the Sikandarpur Police Out Post. It is notable that alcohol is banned in Bihar and the police regularly seize smuggled liquor. There was heavy rain on Friday night, due to which the cops on duty were assembled at one place. The thieves took advantage of this opportunity and broke the wall of the store room at the rear of the police station, stealing five boxes and a bag full of confiscated liquor bottles. The police present there had no idea that the police station was being robbed, and the matter came to light only on the next day. Gujarat Theft Video: Thief Accidentally Gets Run Over by Tractor While Trying to Steal it in Modasa, Video Goes Viral.
Thieves Steal Liquor From Police Station
बिहार के मुजफ्फरपुर में थाने के अंदर से हुई शराब की चोरी, दीवार तोड़कर मालखाने में घुसे चोर, कई पेटी शराब ले भागे.
— Utkarsh Singh (@UtkarshSingh_) September 24, 2023
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