Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Tuesday took to Twitter and said that the newly released movie, "The Kerala Story" has been made tax-free in the state. "The Kerala Story to be made tax free in Uttar Pradesh", Yogi Adityanath's tweet in Hindi read. On May 6, the Madhya Pradesh government made Adah Sharma’s film tax-free in the state. Notably, 'The Kerala Story' exposes the conspiracy of love Jihad, religious conversion and terrorism and brings out its hideous face. The Kerala Story: Madhya Pradesh Govt Makes Adah Sharma’s Film Tax Free.
Uttar Pradesh Govt Makes Adah Sharma's Film Tax-Free
'The Kerala Story' उत्तर प्रदेश में टैक्स फ्री की जाएगी।
— Yogi Adityanath (@myogiadityanath) May 9, 2023
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