In a disturbing incident, a man identified as Mastakeem was brutally beaten in Thane’s Mumbra area for allegedly roaming in a towel. A video of the incident, recorded at the Khalil Compound on Khardi Road, surfaced on Saturday and quickly went viral. The footage shows three to four individuals hitting Mastakeem with sticks as he cried for help. Reports suggest that women in his neighborhood complained to their husbands about him allegedly standing in a towel on his balcony. The exact date of the incident remains unclear, but Mastakeem reportedly sustained injuries. Police have not yet commented on the matter, and it is unknown if an FIR has been filed. Marathi vs Bhojpuri Song Dispute During New Year Celebration in Mira Road: Man Thrashed To Death With Iron Rods and Sticks, Accused Arrested (Disturbing Videos).

Man Beaten in Mumbra for Allegedly Roaming in Towel (Disturbing Visuals)

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