A 27-year-old man, Hitesh Dhende, was arrested in Thane’s Shree Nagar area on Monday for issuing threats to Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Eknath Shinde via an Instagram live video. The suspect, a 9th-grade dropout, used a friend’s mobile phone to post the video, which included derogatory language and quickly went viral. Thane DCP Prashant Kadam confirmed that an FIR was registered, and the accused was apprehended within 12 hours. Multiple complaints were filed by Shiv Sena workers demanding strict action. Dhende will be presented in court, with further investigations ongoing to determine his motive. This comes shortly after another case involving a doctored video of CM Devendra Fadnavis, where a 50-year-old Worli resident was detained but later released due to procedural lapses. Kalyan Girl Rape-Murder Case: Senior Advocate Ujjwal Nikam To Represent Case in Court, Announces Maharashtra CM Devendra Fadnavis.

Thane Man Arrested for Threatening Maharashtra Deputy CM Eknath Shinde on Instagram

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