On Wednesday, citizens in Thane and Mumbai took to social media after the sky became dark and cloudy. Taking to Twitter, one user asked, "Why is it so dark" while another user shared a video of what seemed to be like fog and said, "Went from sunshine to this within seconds!" It seems as if it would rain in the city, however, there were no signs of it. Some netizens also said that there were thunderstorms and heavy rainfall in some areas in Thane.
Check Tweet:
Why is it so dark (how cloudy can it be?) at 4.50 pm in Thane/Mumbai? pic.twitter.com/WfEq6MNurd
— Sisyphusean Rube Goldberg Machine (@GRversusND) September 7, 2022
Went from sunshine to this within seconds!
Went from sunshine to this within seconds! #thunderstorms #thane pic.twitter.com/ZEz5lnDFrY
— Steffi Rose D'Mello (@Steffi_Dmello) September 7, 2022
Extreme thundering in Thane
Where are all the big guns @RamzPuj @IndiaWeatherMan @Mpalawat its pouring here in thane with extreme thundering pic.twitter.com/2rfZFKnQAa
— Justbeingsiddhesh (@justbeingsidd) September 7, 2022
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