Hours after Shiv Sena UBT leader Priyanka Chaturvedi shared a video and alleged that students at Thakur College in Mumbai were forced to attend a BJP seminar, the college has issued a clarification. In its official statement, Thakur College alleged that Priyanka Chaturvedi tweeted a manipulated video of the event. "The engagement and dialogue with Mr. Dhruv Goyal were positively received by our students, and it is regrettable that Ms. Chaturvedi's actions have introduced unnecessary discord into our college environment, unfairly involving our students in a dispute that was uncalled for," the statement read. Mumbai: Students Of Thakur College Allegedly Forced to Attend Seminar Featuring Piyush Goyal's Son Dhruv Goyal, Priyanka Chaturvedi Shares Video.
Thakur College Issues Clarification
Maharashtra, Mumbai: Thakur College released a press note alleging that Shiv Sena UBT leader Priyanka Chaturvedi tweeted a manipulated video of the event. pic.twitter.com/9q1h1kMfex
— IANS (@ians_india) March 23, 2024
Students Forced to Attend Seminar
Students of Thakur College in Mumbai were forced to attend Dhruv Goyal, son of Union Minister Piyush Goyal session. The students say their ids were confiscated to ensure that they are compulsorily present when he speaks. What a shame! pic.twitter.com/qLmDKjV8yk
— Priyanka Chaturvedi🇮🇳 (@priyankac19) March 23, 2024
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