In a tragic yet heroic incident, a school bus driver from Gangeyam in Tamil Nadu's Tirupur district sacrificed his life to ensure the safety of his young passengers. Malayappan, who was employed by ANV Matric School in Vellakoil, experienced a sudden heart attack while driving the school bus on the Vellakoil-Karur National Highway on Thursday evening. Despite the intense chest pain, Malayappan managed to pull the bus over to the side of the road, ensuring the safety of the students on board. Tragically, he collapsed at the wheel and was later pronounced dead at the hospital. Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin expressed his condolences, stating, “Even on the verge of death, he saved the lives of young finches. My deepest condolences on the demise of Malayappan. He will live on in fame for his humanitarian work.” Elderly Man Suffers Heart Attack While Participating in Relay Swimming Event From Sri Lanka to Rameswaram, Dies.

School Bus Driver Saves Lives of Students Before Dying by Heart Attack

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