In a distressing incident during the Aadi festival celebrations in Thiruvallur, Tamil Nadu, a 7-year-old boy suffered burn injuries after slipping while running on hot embers. The boy was reportedly forced to walk across the embers during the festival rituals. Despite immediate rescue efforts, the child sustained significant burn injuries and is currently receiving treatment at a local hospital. The Aadi festival is a traditional Tamil festival celebrated to honour and worship various deities, often featuring rituals and cultural practices. Fire Walking Ritual in Tamil Nadu: Devotees Walk on Embers at Bannari Amman Temple in Erode, Video Surfaces.
Boy Slips and Suffers Burn Injuries After Being 'Forced' to Run on Embers
7-year-old slips while running on the ember after he was forced to walk on the same during the Aadi festival celebrations in Tamil Nadu's Thiruvallur.
Though he was quickly rescued, he received burn injuries and is receiving treatment at a hospital.#TamilNadu
— Vani Mehrotra (@vani_mehrotra) August 13, 2024
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