In a recent incident in Tamil Nadu’s Ennore, an ammonia gas leak was swiftly detected and contained. The vigilant production team noticed a strong smell, prompting immediate action. Five individuals who reported feeling uneasy due to suffocation were promptly shifted to a nearby health facility for assessment. Fortunately, they are now in stable condition. Authorities are closely monitoring the situation, ensuring the safety of both personnel and the environment. Joint commissioner Vijaykumar asked people not to panic saying that the leak has been stabilised and medical and police teams are present on spot. Tamil Nadu: AC Gas Leak Creates Flutter in Governor RN Ravi's Function in Coimbatore.
Ammonia Gas Leak Ennore
DIG, Joint Commissioner Avadi, Vijayakumar tweets, "No need to panic. Stabilised. No more gas (ammonia) leaks at Ennore. People reassured and are back home. medical and police teams present."
— ANI (@ANI) December 27, 2023
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