In Tamil Nadu, AIADMK ward secretary Padmanabhan was brutally hacked to death in Cuddalore. The attack occurred while Padmanabhan was driving his two-wheeler, with the assailants fleeing the scene after committing the crime. The Cuddalore district police have detained two suspects, Murali and Sridhar, from Navaneetha Nagar for questioning. Inspector PK Sajith of Bahour Police Station indicated that the crime might be linked to personal enmity. The investigation is ongoing as authorities seek to uncover the motive behind the killing and to apprehend all involved. Chennai Shocker: BSP Tamil Nadu President Armstrong Allegedly Hacked to Death by 6 People in Perambur.
AIADMK Ward Secretary Padmanabhan Killed
Tamil Nadu | AIADMK ward secretary from Cuddalore district hacked to death, Two suspects have been taken for questioning by Cuddalore district police. The mysterious gang ran away after hitting Padmanabhan while he was driving his two-wheeler and murdered him on the road.…
— ANI (@ANI) July 28, 2024
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