In an unfortunate incident in Gujarat, a bus allegedly fell into a ditch near Kosamba in Surat. According to news agency IANS, the accident led to passengers and the bus driver being trapped. It is reported that the 15-20 people were freed with crane-assisted rescue. They were sent to a nearby hospital for treatment. It is also learned that the crash occurred after the driver of the bus fell asleep. Online Scam in Surat: Gang Providing Bank Accounts to Cyber Fraudsters To Launder Money Busted in Gujarat; 4 Arrested.
Bus Falls Into Ditch in Surat
Surat, Gujarat: A bus fell into a ditch near Kosamba, Surat, trapping passengers and the driver. After a crane-assisted rescue, 15-20 people were freed and sent to the hospital. The driver fell asleep, causing the crash
— IANS (@ians_india) November 27, 2024
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