In a shocking incident that took place in Telangana, a man allegedly ended his life by placing his head under a bus tire in Hyderabad. The deceased has been identified as Bisu Rajab. Police officials said that the deceased is a resident of West Bengal. Shocking video footage of the incident has gone viral on social media. The 14-second video clip shows Bisu lunging himself under the rear wheels of a moving bus in Hyderabad. The act which was caught on the CCTV footage shows the deceased jumping under the rear wheels of the bus. Although the driver applied brakes, however, it was too late. Locals rushed Bisu to a hospital where he died while undergoing treatment. Hyderabad Horror: MBBS Student Slashes His Penis and Dies by Suicide, Video Surfaces.

Man Jumps Under Rear Wheels of Bus in Hyderabad

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