In an unfortunate incident that took place in Uttar Pradesh, senior scientist and professor Sameer Khandekar died while giving a speech on stage at IIT Kanpur. The shocking incident is reportedly said to have occurred on Friday, December 22 when scientist Sameer Khandekar was addressing the alumni meet at the IIT campus in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh. As per reports, Sameer Khandekar, who was serving as the Dean of Student Affairs at IIT Kanpur allegedly suffered a heart attack on the stage and fell. The incident occurred when he was asking the gathering to take care of their health. Soon after he suffered a heart attack, he was rushed to the Cardiology Hospital where he was declared dead. Heart Attack Death in Madhya Pradesh: Man Collapses While Having Food at Hotel, Dies; Disturbing Video Surfaces.

Scientist Sameer Khandekar Passes Away

IIT Kanpur Professor Dies

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