In a tragic incident, a class 9 girl student collapsed during the class and later died in hospital in Tamil Nadu's Ranipet on Tuesday, December 10. The deceased student, identified as Advitha, was immediately rushed to a private hospital in Melvisharam, where doctors declared her "brought dead". The incident occurred at a private school located on the Chennai-Bengaluru Highway (NH 44) around 11.30 am. The video showed the girl collapsing during the class. Dharmapuri: No Road to Reach Hospital, Girl Dies of Snakebite in Tamil Nadu, Incident Revives Demand for Road in Pennagaram Village.
Class 9 Girl Collapses in Ranipet Classroom, Dies
#TamilNadu: A 14-year-old student, Esha Advitha, from Sunbeam private school in Ranipet district, tragically collapsed in her classroom and was rushed to a private hospital, where she was declared dead.
Preliminary investigations revealed a pre-existing heart condition as the…
— South First (@TheSouthfirst) December 10, 2024
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