In a tragic incident, a 55-year-old man died of a heart attack while dancing during a Bhajan Sandhya event in Rajasthan's Ajmer. The incident, which occurred on Thursday, July 17, was captured on camera and has since gone viral on social media. The video deceased, identified as Babulal Kahar from Shiv Colony in Pisangan, participated in the devotional event at a temple complex in Pisangan on the occasion of Devshayani Ekadashi. The video footage shows Kahar dancing to the bhajan “Aayo Hari Aayo Babu Ji Kahar Kya Baat Amar Ho Jyave,” performed by singer Hathiram Jat, when he suddenly collapsed. Sudden Heart Attack Death in Rajasthan: Presiding Officer in Ajmer Succumbs to Heart Attack During Election Training.
Sudden Death in Rajasthan (Trigger Warning)
#अजमेर जिले के पीसांगन में गुरुवार रात करीब 11:30 बजे भजन संध्या में एक बुजुर्ग की हार्ट फेल होने से मौत हो गई। इस दौरान वह भजनों पर नाच रहा था, तभी वह अचानक गश खाकर नीचे गिरा।
भजन संध्या में मौजूद लोगों को कुछ समझ नहीं आया। इस पर शिव कॉलोनी निवासी बाबूलाल कहार (54) को पीसांगन…
— VIJAY KUMAR (@vijaykumarbmr) July 19, 2024
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