In a tragic incident, a class 2 student in Firozabad, Uttar Pradesh, died suddenly while playing. The boy, identified as 8-year-old Chandrakant, was a student at Hans Vahini School. The incident occurred on Saturday when Chandrakant was playing with his friends during lunchtime at school. The incident was caught on school’s CCTV camera. According to the video, Chandrakant suddenly fell while running and did not get up. School teachers immediately rushed him to the hospital, where doctors declared him dead on arrival. Though the exact cause of his death remains unknown, heart attack is suspected. The sudden death of the young boy has caused a state of shock and grief among his family. Sudden Death in Rajasthan: 14-Year-Old Student Collapses on Teacher, Dies of Heart Attack During School Hours in Jaipur.

Sudden Death in Firozabad (Disturbing Video)

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