In a tragic incident in Aligarh of Uttar Pradesh, 8-year-old Diksha, a Class 3 student, collapsed and died of a suspected heart attack while playing at her home on Saturday evening. She complained of sudden chest pain, screamed, and collapsed unconscious. Family members rushed her to a nearby doctor, where she was declared dead. The doctor confirmed a heart attack as the cause of death. Diksha’s family, residents of Lodhinagar, refused a post-mortem, citing her otherwise good health. This marks the second similar case in Aligarh in two days, as a 14-year-old boy died of a heart attack on Friday while training for a school race. Sudden Death Caught on Camera in Indore: Man Dies of Heart Attack in Front of Doctor During Visit to Private Hospital; Disturbing Video Surfaces.
Aligarh Heart Attack
UP : अलीगढ़ में 8 साल की बच्ची की हार्टअटैक से मौत हुई
◆ बच्ची घर पर खेल रही थी, अचानक उसे सीने में दर्द महसूस हुआ
◆ परिवारजन बच्ची को अस्पताल ले गए, जहां डॉक्टरों ने बच्ची को मृत घोषित कर दिया
Uttar Pradesh | Heart Attack | #HeartAttack | Aligarh
— News24 (@news24tvchannel) December 1, 2024
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