In a tragic incident, a 32-year-old man died from a heart attack while playing cricket in Maharashtra's Jalna. The match, held at Fraser Boys ground on Christmas, had just begun when Vijay Patel, while batting, suddenly suffered a severe heart attack and collapsed. Witnesses, including his teammates, rushed to his aid, and he was quickly taken to the hospital, where doctors declared him dead. The incident, captured on video, shows Patel falling moments after speaking with his colleague, Falanja. Sudden Death in Beed: 3rd Year BSc Student Dies of Heart Attack While Appearing for Exam in Maharashtra.
Youth Suffers Heart Attack While Playing Cricket in Maharashtra, Dies
जालन्यात क्रिकेट खेळताना एका खेळाडूचा हृदयविकाराचा झटका येऊन मृत्यू झाल्याची घटना समोर आली आहे. #Cricket #heartattack #CricketerHeartAttack #jalna
— Chandrakant Jagtap (@chandrakant4441) December 30, 2024
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