In an unfortunate incident in Madhya Pradesh, a retired soldier of the Indian Army allegedly died after suffering a heart attack during a show in Indore. The deceased soldier has been identified as Balbinder Chawda. It is reported that Balbinder Chawda reportedly suffered a heart attack while he was singing a patriotic song in Indore. A video of the incident has also gone viral on social media. The 55-second video clip shows Chawda singing a patriotic song as children and adults join him. As the video moves further, Chawda is seen suffering a heart attack and collapsing on the stage. Meanwhile, the video shows Chawda lying on the stage as the children continue clapping and singing a patriotic song. It is said that Chawda died while he was being taken to a hospital. Sudden Death in Madhya Pradesh: College Student Collapses During Coaching Class Following Heart Attack in Indore, Dies (Watch Video).
Retired Soldier Dies of Heart Attack
साइलेंट अटैक, इंदौर में देशभक्ति का गीत गाते गाते रिटायर्ड फ़ौजी बलबिंदर छावड़ा को आया जानलेवा दिल का दौरा, बच्चे तालियाँ बजाते रहे, अस्पताल ले जाते दम तोड़ @VistaarNews
— Brajesh Rajput (@drbrajeshrajput) May 31, 2024
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