A disturbing incident has come to light from Madhya Pradesh, where a doctor died of a jolt after a high-tension live wire fell on the street. A video of the incident surfaced online today, August 13. The incident occurred on Monday, August 12, in Madhya Pradesh's Bhopal. The viral clip shows people standing by the side of a road in Bhopla when a high-tension live wire falls on the street. As the video moves further, a man, who was later identified as a doctor, is seen trying to shift his two-wheeler, which catches fire due to the high-tension live wire. However, it is reported that the doctor suffered a jolt and died on the spot. Bhopal: Two Miscreants Drag Youth By Collar Alongside Moving Train at Railway Station, Horrific Video Surfaces.
Doctor Dies After Suffering Jolt in Bhopal (Trigger Warning)
High-tension live wire falls on the street in Madhya Pradesh's Bhopal, one person dies.
The deceased, a doctor, was trying to shift his two-wheeler, which had caught fire. He suffered a jolt and died on the spot.#Bhopal pic.twitter.com/OEmlWksv2h
— Vani Mehrotra (@vani_mehrotra) August 13, 2024
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