In an unfortunate incident that took place in Uttar Pradesh, a minor girl was allegedly stuck in the elevator of an apartment in Lucknow. The girl, who is said to be 5 years old, was reportedly trapped in the lift of Janeshwar Enclave Apartment in Lucknow. The entire incident was caught on camera, a video of which has now gone viral on social media. The 2-minute 13-second video clip shows the little girl being stuck in the lift for nearly 20 minutes. The minor girl, who is dressed in a neon green uniform, can be seen screaming and pleading for help as she goes about banging the elevator's doors. The video also shows the minor girl turning towards the camera inside the lift and pleading to get her out as she tries once again to open the door. Eventually, the minor girl was rescued after being stuck for nearly 20 minutes in the lift. UP Cop Demands Bribe From Man in Lucknow, Viral Video Surfaces.

Minor Girl Trapped in Lift

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