In a shocking incident in Gujarat’s Kutch, a gang of 12 posed as Enforcement Directorate (ED) officials and staged a fake raid on a jeweller's house, similar to the plot of the Bollywood movie Special 26. The fraudsters duped the businessman of jewellery and cash worth INR 25 lakh. A video circulating on social media shows the fake ED officer showing his ID and intimidating the businessman to reveal the cash details, threatening jail if he refused. The Kutch Police arrested the gang members, parading them through the streets, with videos of both the raid and parade going viral. Fake Call Centre Busted: Police Arrest 3 for Running Illegal Call Centre in Gurugram, Duping US Nationals on Pretext of Providing Technical Support.
Gang Poses as ED Officials, Dupes Jeweller of INR 25 Lakh
देखिए कैसे गुजरात के कच्छ के गांधीधाम इलाके में नक़ली ईडी की टीम ने फ़र्ज़ी रेड करके इलाके के प्रसिद्ध ज्वैलरी व्यवसायी के परिवार को बनाया बंधक.
वीडियो साभार: @SP_EastKutch #Fake #EDTeam #Busted
— Prashant Gupta (@GuptaJi_Journo) December 9, 2024
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