Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan washed feet of two women and performed aarti at the CM Ladli Behna Sammelan in Madhya Pradesh's Burhanpur on Wednesday, October 4. The two ladies showered flowers on Shivraj Singh Chouhan and gave their blessings as the Chief Minister washed their feet with water. Chouhan also shared a video of him washing feet of the women. In a bid to woo women voters, the Madhya Pradesh government has released a notification, reserving 35 percent of recruitment opportunities for women, with the exception of positions in the forest department. Madhya Pradesh Government Issues Notification for Providing 35% Reservation for Women in Govt Jobs.

Shivraj Singh Chouhan Washes Feet of Women:

Shivraj Singh Chouhan Washes Feet Of Women At CM Ladli Behna Sammelan

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