Independent candidate Shivaji Patil, who won from Chandgad assembly constituency, was injured in a fire during his victory celebrations Saturday night, November 23. Some women who were in the procession have also been injured. The video of the incident has gone viral on social media. When the women were performing the "aarti" of Shivaji Patil at Mahgaon, a large quantity of ‘gulal’ fell from a crane onto their 'aarti' plates, causing a blaze. Shivaji Patil emerged as the giant killed in Chandgad after he defeated NCP's Rajesh Patil and NCP (SP)'s Nandatai Kupekar-Babhulkar in Maharashtra elections 2024. Maharashtra Assembly Elections Results 2024: BJP Emerges Single Largest Party With 132 Seats.
Shivaji Patil Injured in Fire During Victory Celebrations
Kolhapur, Maharashtra: A fire broke out during the welcome aarti of MLA Shivaji Patil. Gulal dropped from a JCB mixed with flames, injuring several people, including Patil
— IANS (@ians_india) November 24, 2024
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