BJP leader Sambit Patra took to X (formerly Twitter) to clarify after his statement on Lord Jagannath sparked a controversy. Taking to X, Sambit Patra addressed Naveen Patnaik. He said that he gave several bytes on Monday, May 20, to multiple media channels after the massive success of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's roadshows in Odisha's Puri. "Ever where I mentioned that Modi ji is an ardent "Bhakt" of Shri Jagannath Mahaprabhu," his tweet read. Patra said that he pronounced the opposite during one of his bytes by mistake. "I know you too know and understand this. Sir let’s not make an issue out of a nonexistent issue," he added. The BJP leader said that everyone has a "slip of tongue sometimes." 'Prabhu Jagannath Is Bhakt Of Modi': Sambit Patra Under Fire as Congress, Naveen Patnaik Slam BJP Leader for 'Hurting' Religious Sentiments (Watch Video).

We All Have “Slip of Tongue Sometimes”

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