In a horrific incident in Uttar Pradesh, a Bolero car with a BJP sticker allegedly hit a bike rider in Sambhal recently. A video of the accident has also surfaced online. In the viral clip, the car with a BJP sticker is seen dragging the bike for two kilometres after hitting the biker. It is also learned that the bike rider sustained severe injuries in the accident, and his condition is said to be critical. The video also shows sparks of fire on the road as the car continues to drag the bike in Sambhal. After the video surfaced online, Sambhal police said that legal action is being taken by the local police station.┬аSambhal Shocker: Man Shot Dead by 2 Bike-Borne Miscreants Over Personal Enmity in Uttar Pradesh, 1 Accused Arrested (Watch Video).

Car With BJP Sticker Hits Biker in Sambhal

Police Respond After Video of Accident Goes Viral

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