In a shocking incident, two unidentified individuals on a motorcycle opened fire outside Bollywood actor Salman Khan’s residence, Galaxy Apartments, in Mumbai’s Bandra area early Sunday morning. The police have since increased security around his home and initiated a manhunt for the suspects. The incident, which occurred around 5 am, was captured on CCTV. The footage reportedly shows the unidentified shooters fleeing the scene on a motorcycle after firing four rounds outside the actor’s house. The Mumbai Police are investigating the incident and have yet to identify the suspects. This incident follows a threatening email received at Khan’s office in March last year, which led to the registration of an FIR against gangsters Lawrence Bishnoi and Goldy Brar. Firing Outside Salman Khan's House in Mumbai: Police Increases Security at Actor’s Galaxy Apartment Residence in Bandra (Watch Video).
Salman Khan Firing Case
5 गोलियां चली है.
एक गोली सलमान खान के घर पहली मंजिल पर मारी है.
एक बाइक पर 2 लोग सवार थे..
5 राउंड गोली चलाई गई है.
Imported pistol से फायरिंग की गई है.।
— Vivek Gupta (@imvivekgupta) April 14, 2024
CCTV footage.
— Vivek Gupta (@imvivekgupta) April 14, 2024
Watch The Video Below:
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