Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was stabbed and admitted to Mumbai’s Lilavati Hospital on Thursday. Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis addressed the incident, calling it “unfortunate” but dismissed claims of Mumbai being unsafe. “Mumbai is the safest megacity in the country. While the incident is serious, branding the city as unsafe is wrong,” said Fadnavis. He assured that the government is taking steps to enhance safety. The Chief Minister stated that the police have shared details about the attack, including its nature and intent, and are actively investigating. Meanwhile, Saif Ali Khan is reportedly out of danger and recovering in the hospital. Efforts are underway to apprehend the attacker, who is currently absconding. Saif Ali Khan Stabbing Case: Actor’s Team Confirms He’s Out of Danger and Recovering After Surgery.
Saif Ali Khan Stabbed, Devendra Fadnavis Assures Mumbai’s Safety
#BREAKING | Can't call Mumbai unsafe due to one incident: Fadnavis on actor Saif Ali Khan stabbing
Tune in to watch all live updates here - #SaifAliKhanNews #saif #SaifAliKhanNews #SaifAliKhanAttacked #lilavatihospital #Mumbai…
— Republic (@republic) January 16, 2025
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