Mumbai Police have identified the attacker who reportedly stabbed actor Saif Ali Khan inside his Bandra apartment early Thursday morning. CCTV footage shows the suspect exiting the building after the crime. The intruder reportedly entered without breaking in and attacked Khan, 54, when he responded to his domestic help’s cries for help. The staff member also sustained a minor injury during the scuffle. Khan was rushed to Lilavati Hospital in an auto rickshaw, where he underwent emergency surgery. Doctors confirmed he suffered six injuries, including two deep wounds near his spine and neck, repaired by a plastic surgery team. The actor is now stable and out of danger. Police are actively investigating the case and searching for the absconding attacker. Saif Ali Khan Stabbing Case: Devendra Fadnavis Terms Attack ‘Unfortunate’, Says ‘Wrong To Brand Mumbai Unsafe’ (Watch Video).
Saif Ali Khan Stabbing: Attacker Identified
Saif ali khan attacker identified!
CM Devendra Fadnavis reacts to #SaifAliKhan stabbing case@Dev_Fadnavis “The incident is serious but wrong to call Mumbai unsafe. Mumbai remains the safest mega city in the country. government will take steps to enhance safety…
— Nabila Jamal (@nabilajamal_) January 16, 2025
Video of Accused Surfaces
CCTV footage shows knife attack suspect descending the stairs at Saif Ali Khan's house, looking directly into the surveillance camera
.#SaifAliKhan #CCTV #India #Mumbai
— WION (@WIONews) January 16, 2025
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