An Income Tax raid at the residence of former BJP MLA Harshvansh Singh Rathore in Sagar, Madhya Pradesh, revealed startling findings, including three crocodiles kept illegally as pets. The reptiles were reportedly found in a pond within Rathore’s bungalow, and a viral video allegedly shows one of them, though its authenticity remains unverified. The Forest Department has been alerted about the illegal possession of crocodiles. The raid, conducted on January 5, also targeted former BJP corporator Rajesh Kesharwani. Authorities uncovered unaccounted transactions worth Rs 150 crore, 14 kilograms of gold, Rs 4 crore in cash, and several luxury vehicles. The operation highlighted significant financial irregularities and potential tax evasion. Investigators are examining seized documents and assets to gather further evidence. The discovery of exotic pets alongside massive wealth has sparked widespread public and legal scrutiny. The investigation is ongoing, with authorities ensuring compliance with both financial and wildlife protection laws. Agra: Income Tax Department Recovers About Rs 40 Crore in Cash During Raids at Premises of Shoe Trader, Note Counting Machine Deployed (Watch Video and See Pic).

Income Tax Raid at Ex-BJP MLA’s Home Uncovers Crocodiles

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