Former union minister Sadananda Gowda on Sunday issued clarification after an alleged sex clip went viral on social media. He said that a "morphed deep fake" video was making rounds on social media. Gowda has also filed a complaint in the alleged sex clip leak case. The BJP MP said, "Malefactors, who are upset by my rise on the political front, have brought out a fake, lewd video of mine for my fall."
Gowda tweeted, "Dear well wishers, A morphed (deep fake) video of mine has been making rounds on social media. I would like to inform that, it is not me in the video, its created to malign my impeccable image by my adversaries with vested interest." In another tweet, the former union minister said, "Also, I as per the injunction order of the court, anyone forwarding/uploading the content will be punishable as per the relevant sections of the law. If you know of anyone doing the same, kindly inbox me."
Tweets By Sadananda Gowda:
Dear well wishers,
A morphed (deep fake) video of mine has been making rounds on social media. I would like to inform that, it is not me in the video, its created to malign my impeccable image by my adversaries with vested interest. 1/3
— Sadananda Gowda (@DVSadanandGowda) September 19, 2021
Also, I as per the injunction order of the court, anyone forwarding/uploading the content will be punishable as per the relevant sections of the law.
If you know of anyone doing the same, kindly inbox me. 3/3
— Sadananda Gowda (@DVSadanandGowda) September 19, 2021
Malefactors, who are upset by my rise on the political front, have brought out a fake, lewd video of mine for my fall. The video has become viral on social media, which pains me. 1/2
— Sadananda Gowda (@DVSadanandGowda) September 19, 2021
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