In a brazen daylight robbery, an elderly couple was robbed of gold jewellery worth INR 4.95 lakh on Friday, August 30, while they had stopped to eat vada pav in Hadapsar in Maharashtra's Pune. According to police reports, Jayashree Dhamane, a retired teacher, had recently taken an Rs 8 lakh loan from the bank by pledging around 210 grams of gold. After repaying the loan, she was returning home with her husband when they decided to stop at a Vada pav shop. CCTV video of the incident shows Jayashree standing beside their scooter while her husband went to buy Vada pav. During this time, a biker approached Jayashree and informed her that her money was lying on the ground. As she bent down to check, another man swiftly grabbed the jewellery bag from the scooter’s front compartment and fled the scene. A case has been registered, and further investigation is underway. Maharashtra Shocker: Pune Man Travelling to Mumbai Drugged and Robbed Aboard Shivneri Bus, Left Unconscious on Dadar Footpath for 16 Hours.

Robbery Caught on Camera in Pune

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