In a tragic incident, an 18-year-old boy named Tausif lost his life in an attempt to create a viral Instagram reel in Sahibganj district of Jharkhand. The teenager jumped into a quarry lake from a height of about 100 feet on Monday evening, according to the police. Tausif’s friends, who were present at the scene, attempted to rescue him but were unsuccessful. They alerted the locals and the police, who subsequently launched a search operation. Tausif’s body was recovered later. A video of the incident has surfaced on social media, showing Tausif jumping into the lake from a significant height while his friends recorded the stunt. He drowned shortly after. Deputy Superintendent of Police Vijay Kumar Kushwaha stated that Tausif jumped into the lake assuming it was not deep. Reels Craze in Satna Video: Students Make Reel Inside College Premises, Principal Issues Notice For ‘Indecent’ Conduct After Viral Clip Surfaces.

Reels Craze Turns Fatal in Jharkhand

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