Shiv Sena MP Ravindra Waikar’s car met with an accident in Mumbai's Jogeshwari area late on Sunday, December 29. Ravindra Waikar was inside the car when it was allegedly hit by an Eicher tempo near the SRPF camp gate. Waikar did not receive any injury. "It was a minor incident. An Innova car and a tempo slightly collided with each other. No one was injured in the incident, and neither the car driver nor the tempo driver was drunk. A two-wheeler suddenly came in the car's way, and while trying to avoid hitting the two-wheeler, both vehicles slightly collided" a police officer was quoted as saying by a Mumbai-based news portal. Ghatkopar Road Accident: Woman Killed, Several Others Injured After Speeding Tempo Loses Control and Crushes People in Mumbai, Accused Driver Arrested (Watch Video).
Ravindra Waikar's Car Meet With Accident
शिवसेना खासदार रविंद्र वायकरांच्या गाडीला अपघात, धडक देणारा चालक मद्यधुंद अवस्थेत | #RavindraWaikar #NDTVMarathi
— NDTV Marathi (@NDTVMarathi) December 30, 2024
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