A thrilling rescue operation unfolded on Tuesday evening near Bhate Beach in Ratnagiri, when a couple, who had been enjoying the sea, found themselves trapped in the dangerous Ajastra waves. The couple, having ventured too deep into the sea, struggled to return as the waves became increasingly powerful. With no way to escape, they were caught in the currents, unable to make it back to the shore. A video of the incident, showing the couple fighting the waves, has gone viral on social media, drawing attention to the dangers of the sea. Local fishermen Burhan Majgavkar and Subhan Budye, who were out fishing in the sea at the time, came to the couple’s aid, rescuing them just in time. Their timely help prevented a possible tragedy, earning them praise from all quarters. The couple was handed over to the police, who helped them to safety. Maharashtra Road Accident: 10 Injured in Multi-Vehicle Crash on Mumbai-Goa Highway, Traffic Disrupted Near Parshuram Ghat in Ratnagiri (Watch Video).
Couple Rescued from Dangerous Ajastra Waves at Bhate Beach by Fishermen
#Maharashtra #Ratnagiri #ViralVideo : Goes to enjoy the sea in #Konkan, late to return, couple gets stuck in Ajastra waves pic.twitter.com/H7x6yz9IdJ
— Siraj Noorani (@sirajnoorani) December 11, 2024
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