Amid Indian actress Rashmika Mandanna’s deepfake video controversy, the Delhi Police said that an FIR has been registered in the matter on Friday, November 10. A recent statement by the Delhi Police read, “In regard to the deepfake AI-generated video of Rashmika Mandana, an FIR u/s 465 & 469 of the IPC, 1860 and section 66C & 66E of the IT Act, 2000 has been registered at PS Special Cell, Delhi Police and an investigation has been taken up.” For the unversed, a video that purportedly depicted actor Rashmika Mandanna entering an elevator recently went viral on social media. However, on closer examination, it turned out that it was actually a digitally altered video called a ‘deepfake’. Rashmika Mandanna Deepfake Video: IT Ministry Issues Advisory to Social Media Platforms After Morphed Clip Involving Actress Goes Viral.
FIR Registered in Rashmika Mandanna Deepfake Video Case
In regard to the deepfake AI-generated video of Rashmika Mandana, an FIR u/s 465 & 469 of the IPC, 1860 and section 66C & 66E of the IT Act, 2000 has been registered at PS Special Cell, Delhi Police and an investigation has been taken up: Delhi Police
— ANI (@ANI) November 10, 2023
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