A fire broke out at the Ramanathapuram Government Medical College Hospital in Tamil Nadu on Wednesday night due to an electrical short circuit in a panel room. Smoke engulfed the second floor, prompting staff to evacuate patients to safer areas using wheelchairs and beds. Two ICU patients were relocated to the Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care (CEmONC) unit. Fire and Rescue Services swiftly extinguished the blaze, while sprinklers and fire alarms mitigated the situation. District Collector Simranjeet Singh Kahlon confirmed no casualties and stated that smoke affected the second, third, and fourth floors. The fire was contained, and lingering smoke was dispersed. Emergency protocols ensured patient safety, averting a major disaster. ANMS Company Fire: 4 Dead, 1 Critical After Blaze Erupts at ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel's Forex Plant 2 in Gujarat’s Surat on New Year’s Eve (Watch Video).

Ramanathapuram Fire

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