In a shocking incident in Karnataka’s Ramanagara, a 21-year-old named Varun allegedly assaulted a security guard, Puneeth, at Provident Sunworth Apartments. Varun, claiming to be the son of a DCP and a relative of Chief Minister Siddaramaiah, was enraged after Puneeth enforced apartment rules prohibiting guest entry after midnight. Varun, who had brought two women earlier, attempted to bring in another guest, leading to the altercation. The attack left Puneeth with a damaged eardrum and hearing difficulties. Local residents recorded the brutal assault, and Puneeth has filed a complaint. Police Brutality in Multai: Cop Ties Man to Window, Brutally Thrashes Him With Sticks Over Suspicion of Selling Drugs in Madhya Pradesh; Suspended After Video Goes Viral.
Building Security Guard Thrashed in Karnataka
The #KarnatakaPolice have slapped a case on a 21-year-old youth for assaulting a security guard of an apartment building for refusing entry to his friends in #Bengaluru.
The youth slapped the guard on Friday midnight after the latter refused to allow two of his female friends…
— Hate Detector 🔍 (@HateDetectors) September 21, 2024
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