In a heartwarming incident, a young student in Kerala’s Kochi received a surprise gift—a laptop—from Union Minister of State for Information Technology, Rajeev Chandrasekhar. The touching moment was captured on video and quickly went viral. The minister’s gesture came after he met the boy during a train journey and was impressed by him. Sriram, the fourth-standard student, beamed with joy as he unwrapped the laptop, exploring its features with excitement. Yogi Adityanath Asks Momo Seller If BJP Leaders Visiting His Shop Make Payment Or Not, Video of Light-Hearted Exchange Goes Viral on Social Media.
Rajeev Chandrasekhar Gifts Laptop to Kerala Student
I had met young 9 yr old Sriram on a train ride from Thrissur to Kozhikode and he had proudly shown me his creative videos done on his laptop.
I had promised him a new laptop and today he gets his new year gift in advance - a brand new Laptop!
My best wishes to him & his…
— Rajeev Chandrasekhar 🇮🇳 (@Rajeev_GoI) December 21, 2023
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