A chilling video has emerged online, capturing the tragic death of a bus driver in Ajmer, Rajasthan. The incident unfolded in the Kishangadh area on a Tuesday morning when the driver was filling air in the tyres of his bus. Tragically, one of the tyres exploded, causing an immediate fatality. The CCTV footage of the incident, now circulating on the internet, shows the driver diligently filling air into the tyres. Suddenly, one tyre bursts, catapulting the man into the air before he falls back onto the ground. The lack of movement following the explosion suggests that the impact and shock of the explosion caused his instantaneous death. Dog Crushed by Luxury Car in Goa: Canine Dies After Being Run Over By Mercedes In Agassaim, Disturbing Video Surfaces.
Tyre Explosion Video (Disturbing Visuals)
किशनगढ़ के रूपनगढ़ में बस के टायर फटने से हुआ भयावह हादसा
जानकारी के मुताबिक टायर में हवा भरते समय ब्लास्ट हो गया जिससे बस चालक की मौके पर दर्दनाक मौत हो गई. हादसा परबतसर मार्ग गुजराती होटल के पास हुआ. मृतक की पहचान लोसल सीकर के रहने वाले बोदूराम जाट के रूप में हुई.… pic.twitter.com/GHDz4l54d4
— Avdhesh Pareek (@Zinda_Avdhesh) February 20, 2024
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