In a tragic incident in Bharatpur district, Rajasthan, seven children drowned in the Banganga river while standing on an island and observing the rising floodwaters in Bayana. The incident occurred when the children lost their balance and were swept away by the strong currents. Villagers immediately launched a rescue operation, and after an hour of intense efforts, the bodies were recovered and taken to Bayana Hospital. As per a report by news agency IANS, SDM Rajiv Sharma, along with other officials, arrived at the scene to oversee the situation. Rajasthan: Four Including Three Boys Drown While Fishing in Pali, Investigation Underway.
7 Kids Drown While Watching Floodwaters
Rajasthan: Seven children drowned in the Banganga river in Bayana, Bharatpur district, while standing on an island and watching the floodwaters. After an hour of rescue efforts by villagers, the bodies were recovered and taken to the Bayana hospital. SDM Rajiv Sharma and other…
— IANS (@ians_india) August 11, 2024
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