A tragic incident occurred in Raipur's Bhanupri Ramashwar Nagar, where a domestic dispute between a husband and wife led to a fire that caused one death and five severe burn injuries. The incident took place late at night around 10:30 PM. According to the police, B Amareshwar Rao (also known as Raja) attacked his wife, Sandhya Rani, with a knife. She managed to escape and sought refuge in a neighbor's house. Raja then set their house on fire. While the police were rescuing Sandhya, a gas cylinder exploded, injuring two constables, Vikas Singh and Hemant Gilhare, along with three civilians. Raja Rao, 40, suffered fatal burns and died at the scene. The fire department controlled the blaze after half an hour. Police have registered a case and are investigating the incident. Ludhiana Shocker: Harassed for Dowry by Husband and In-Laws, Woman Dies by Suicide After Consuming Large Quantity of Pills in Punjab; 12 People Booked.
Domestic Dispute Leads to Death and Five Severe Burns
#WATCH | Raipur, Chhattisgarh | Additional SP Raipur, Lakhan Patel says, "Yesterday, an incident took place in the Bhanpuri area under Khamtarai PS, in which B Amreshwar Rao and his wife Sandhya Rani had a dispute over something...During the dispute, he attacked his wife with a… pic.twitter.com/lfsoph0dBM
— ANI (@ANI) December 14, 2024
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