Rahul Gandhi recently said, "I am a Gandhi and not Savarkar and Gandhis do not apologise." A fresh FIR will be lodged against him by the grandson of VD Savarkar."I will file an FIR against Rahul Gandhi if he does not apologise for his statement on Savarkar," says Ranjit Savarkar, Grandson of VD Savarkar. Also, he said that this is not the first time he is filing a complaint against him. This has happened before as well. Rahul Gandhi has been disqualified as an MP of Parliament. Also, his house will be snatched from him. He was sentenced to two years of imprisonment by the Surat High Court. Rahul Gandhi Disqualification: Congress To Hold 'Mashal March' Today Evening From Red Fort to Town Hall in Delhi.

Another FIR For Rahul Gandhi 

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