In a shocking incident, a Queer artist allegedly died by suicide following mass bullying on social media for a reel in saree on Tuesday, November 21, in Madhya Pradesh's Ujjain. Pranshu, a 16-year-old Queer artist, allegedly took this extreme step after he was trolled for wearing a saree in a reel he posted on Diwali. As per the reports, the deceased endured the bullying for over a week before dying by suicide. Kerala’s First Transgender Bodybuilder Praveen Nath Dies by Suicide at His Residence in Thrissur.
Queer Artist Pranshu Dies by Suicide in Ujjain
🧵Pranshu, a 16 year old Queer Artist and a 10th class student from Ujjain, MP, lost their life to suicide on November 21st. Prior to their death, they faced mass bullying on Instagram, for over a week, after their Diwali Reel where they wore a saree went viral.
— Yes, We Exist 🏳️⚧️🏳️🌈 (@YesWeExistIndia) November 23, 2023
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