The Pimpri Chinchwad city police have arrested two accused for harassing a family of three, who were travelling in a car, on the Aundh-Ravet BRTS road in Pimpri-Chinchwad. The bike had 'thug life' written on the number plate. The victim, Komal Shinde, had uploaded the video on Twitter on March 12 tagging the pune police and Pune traffic police in her post. The video showed the two accused men zig-zagging on the blocking the vehicles' path and preventing it from moving ahead. Cops started probe and arrested the two accused and also seized their bike. Pune Shocker: Bike-Borne Men Chase, Harass Family Travelling in Car With Baby on Aundh-Ravet BRTS Road, Video Surfaces.

Two Arrested For Harassing Family in Pune

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