In a heroic act on Friday, Metro guard Vikas Bangar, stationed at the Civil Court elevated station in Pune, saved two lives by applying the emergency train stop button. The incident unfolded in the afternoon when a three-year-old boy accidentally fell onto the Metro tracks from the platform. In a desperate attempt to save her child, the boy’s mother also ended up on the tracks. Bangar, who was on duty at the platform, witnessed the incident and immediately activated the emergency button, with one train merely 30 meters away from the station. Another train was due to arrive on the opposite platform. However, both trains came to a halt instead of entering the station after the emergency button was activated. A video of the incident has gone viral on social media. Mumbai: Railway Official's Timely Action Saves Man After He Falls While Trying To Board Moving Train at Masjid Station (Watch Video) .

Alert Security Guard Saves Two Lives

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