A video going viral on social media shows a gangster in Pune organising a rally following his release from Yerawada Jail. However, the gangster's rally drew the attention of both the public and law enforcement. A journalist who shared the viral clip of X (formerly Twitter) said, "Praful alias Gudya Ganesh Kasbe, who was in Yerwada Jail in Mokka, came out of the jail. After that, he and about 50-60 of his supporters took out a rally in a luxury car in the Yerwada Bazaar area." As per reports, Praful, aka Gudya Ganesh Kasabe and about 60 to 70 supporters took part in a procession as they paraded through Pune city on bikes and in cars. It is said that the incident occurred after Kasabe was granted bail under the Maharashtra Control of Organized Crime Act (MCOCA) after he was incarcerated in 2021 alongside several other gang members. Responding to the viral video, Pune Police quickly swung into action and detained Kasabe and his gang and paraded them in the area. Workplace Violence in Pune: Man Kills Colleague With Chopper Over Monetary Dispute at WNS Global Services in Yerwada, Arrested (Watch Video).

Gangster Detained After Taking Out Rally With Supporters Post Bail

Police Detain And Parade Gangster and His Gang

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