A disturbing incident has come to light from Maharashtra's Pune, where a drunk man allegedly assaulted an on-duty traffic police officer in the Magarpatta area. The alleged incident caught on camera took place on Saturday evening, January 11. It is reported that the accused man, who was under the influence of alcohol, allegedly created a ruckus on the road in Pune's Magarpatta when the officer intervened. This led to the youth becoming aggressive and hurling abuses at the traffic police officer. It is said that the incident occurred near Magarpatta in Raskar Chowk, where the Hadapsar Traffic Division was managing traffic and taking action against drivers for driving on the wrong side. A video going viral on social media shows the youth physically attacking the officer and thrashing the on-duty cop. The video also shows local residents rushing to the police officer's aid and restraining the accused. After the incident, police officials from the Hadapsar Traffic Division arrived at the scene and detained the accused youth. Pune: Gangster Praful ‘Gudya’ Ganesh Kasabe Takes Out Massive Rally With 60 to 70 Supporters After Releasing on Bail From Yerawada Jail, Police Detain and Parade His Gang (Watch Videos).
Drunk Youth Hits Traffic Cop in Pune (Viewer Discretion Advised)
ℙ𝕌ℕ𝔼 | A shocking incident occurred in Pune's Magarpatta area on Saturday evening, where an intoxicated youth physically assaulted an on-duty traffic police officer. The accused, reportedly under the influence of alcohol, was creating a ruckus on the road when the officer… pic.twitter.com/KWdwg3AcAF
— ℝ𝕒𝕛 𝕄𝕒𝕛𝕚 (@Rajmajiofficial) January 12, 2025
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