The Gujarat High Court recently lamented the police in the state, saying that "Protectors became perpetrators" after two constables of the Ahmedabad Traffic Police allegedly extorted Rs 60,000 from a couple. Notably, the High Court voiced concerns as the two police officials extorted money from a couple travelling late at night. The division bench of Chief Justice Sunita Agarwal and Justice Aniruddha Mayee said that the protectors of the public became perpetrators of a crime. "The people are safe, no doubt. But what if perpetrators are the protectors? In this case, we aren't dealing with criminals. But protectors have become perpetrators. We are worried about this situation. You need to take care of it," the Chief Justice said. HC on Minor's Abortion: You Shouldn't Pressurise Her To Terminate Pregnancy, Says Gujarat High Court While Allowing 17-Year-Old Girl To Terminate Her Pregnancy.

Gujarat High Court on Police Extortion

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